Blood In Urine Specialist

Valley Urology Center

Urologists located in Renton, WA

It can be scary to have blood in your urine, but it’s not always serious. At Valley Urology Center in Renton, Washington, the compassionate team offers advanced screening techniques to identify numerous conditions that can cause blood in the urine. If you’re in western Washington or the Pacific Northwest, find expert urological and reproductive health care services by calling Valley Urology Center or schedule an appointment online today.

Blood in Urine Q & A

What is hematuria?

Hematuria describes having blood in your urine. This blood can originate in any part of your urinary tract.

If blood in your urine is visible to the naked eye, it’s known as gross hematuria. Gross hematuria causes urine discoloration that’s generally pink, red, or brown in appearance. You can also have blood in your urine that’s only visible under a microscope, or microscopic hematuria.

There are several causes of blood in the urine, and they aren’t always serious.

What causes blood in the urine?

Common causes of hematuria include:

  • Blows to the kidneys or strenuous exercise
  • Some medications, such as penicillin
  • Kidney infections
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Bladder or kidney stones
  • Kidney disease
  • Certain conditions, like sickle cell anemia

In some cases, you can have blood in your urine without an obvious cause.

Who is at risk of blood in the urine?

Anyone can have hematuria, but it’s especially common in men older than 50. Additional factors that increase your risk include:

  • A family history of kidney disease or stones
  • Recent viral or bacterial infections
  • Taking medications, like antibiotics or anti-inflammatory pain relievers
  • Participating in strenuous exercise, like long-distance running

Sometimes, your urine can grow discolored because of certain foods, like beets and berries. Even though some causes of hematuria aren’t serious, it’s important to contact Valley Urology Center any time your urine becomes discolored to rule out potentially harmful medical conditions.

How is hematuria diagnosed and treated?

The experienced team at Valley Urology Center performs comprehensive testing, including a physical exam and reviewing your medical history, to identify the cause of the blood in your urine. This exam might also include urine testing and digital imaging like CT scans, MRIs, or ultrasounds.

Based on your symptoms, your urologist might also recommend a cystoscopy. This procedure looks inside your bladder and urethra with a tiny camera to check for any abnormalities or signs of disease. They might also conduct additional screenings if you’re at risk of other urinary conditions, like bladder cancer.

Depending on the cause of your hematuria, your urologist might suggest several treatments, including:

  • Antibiotics to clear up any infection
  • Medications to reduce enlarged prostate
  • Shock wave therapy to break up bladder or kidney stones

For more information on diagnosing and treating blood in the urine, call Valley Urology Center or schedule an appointment online today.