Prostate Cancer Specialist

Valley Urology Center

Urologists located in Renton, WA

Approximately 1 in 9 American men receive a prostate cancer diagnosis during their lifetime. At Valley Urology Center in Renton, Washington, the experienced team offers prostate cancer screenings to increase your chances of early detection as well as innovative and minimally invasive treatment options. To reduce your risk of prostate cancer or explore your treatment options if you’re in western Washington or the Pacific Northwest, call Valley Urology Center or schedule an appointment online today.

Prostate Cancer Q & A

What is the prostate?

The prostate gland makes seminal fluid. Seminal fluid helps nourish and transport the sperm contained in semen. This gland is approximately the size of a walnut and located below a man’s bladder surrounding the urethra. The urethra runs from your bladder through the penis so urine can leave your body.

More than 99% of prostate cancers begin in the gland cells of the prostate. This form of prostate cancer is known as adenocarcinoma. When prostate cancer originates in other prostate tissue, it’s called sarcoma.

Having an enlarged prostate doesn’t automatically mean you have prostate cancer.

What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

There usually are no symptoms when prostate cancer is in its early stages. Because of this, regular screenings are your best option for early detection.

As prostate cancer advances, common symptoms typically include:

  • Painful ejaculation
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Blood in semen
  • Swelling or numbness in the pelvis, hips, or legs
  • Bone pain

Because the prostate surrounds the urethra, prostate cancer can trigger several urinary symptoms as well. These generally include burning when passing urine, frequent urges to urinate, or loss of bladder control. Some men also experience difficulty controlling their urine stream, decreased urine flow, or blood in the urine.

Valley Urology Center offers same-day appointments to diagnose and begin treating your condition as quickly as possible.

How is prostate cancer diagnosed and treated?

For most healthy men, regular prostate cancer screenings should begin at age 50. These annual tests generally include digital rectal exams (DREs) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood screenings. If you have a family history or higher risk of prostate cancer, your urologist at Valley Urology Center might recommend prostate screenings at an earlier age.

In addition to annual screenings, Valley Urology Center offers advanced diagnostic tools on-site to assist your doctor in making a diagnosis. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor might also recommend prostate ultrasounds and prostate biopsies to confirm your condition and imaging tests to determine its extent.

Treating prostate cancer depends on your overall health and diagnosis. In some cases, immediate treatment isn’t necessary, and your urologist simply monitors your condition. At other times, your urologist might recommend minimally invasive surgical procedures like da Vinci® robot-assisted surgery.

Additional prostate cancer treatments include:

  • Chemotherapy and radiation
  • Hormone therapy
  • Biological therapy
  • Freezing prostate tissue

To learn more about diagnosing prostate cancer and the available minimally invasive options for treating it, call Valley Urology Center or schedule an appointment online today. Same-day appointments are available.